Thursday, March 11, 2010

Musim Kahwin.

Yeah. Love is in the air baby!

Walaupun the month of love dah lepas but for the next few months (and years!) I'll be attending lotsa,lotsa weddings! And I like it.

I like it when they seek for my opinion(walaupun saya mana tau sangat)when it comes to the preparation. I like it when they ask me to look for baju ikut theme (it gives me reason to go shopping and buy new clothes.yey!). And I'll definitely like it even more the day of the wedding itself!

Keramaian. Makanan. Adat budaya. Friends. Families. <--- Semua adalah faktor untuk bergembira pada hari tersebut.

Tak kisahlah majlis kamu semua macam mana. Kahwin sekali je. Buatlah yang macam mana kamu nak. Jangan peduli apa orang kata sebab kamu buat macam mana pun orang mesti mengata jugak. MESTI. Maka, boleh abaikan unsur-unsur lahanat tersebut.

So, kawan-kawan. From the simplest ones to the avant grande(amende aku merapik) punya majlis, I will try my best to squeeze time just to show up at your big day!

p/s: Tapi janganlah lupa jemput ai. Nanti ai semangat-semangat nak datang tapi u ols tak jemput malulah ai. OK darlings?


  1. tema gadis kampung please dont forget hehehehehe. cant wait!

  2. heh.tema gadis kampung untuk tunang ke kawen??
    saya mau carik kain~
