Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cerita Hari Raya.

I don't celebrate Christmas. But Christmas Carol was indeed, a good movie. I think it's more worth it to watch in 4D. Mesti seronok boleh feel dia terbang laju-laju macam naik roller coaster.

Most of the characters are the voice of Jim Carrey! Hebat!

Anyway, the story is more about how an old man ditched and hated Christmas for a long time when suddenly one night he was visited by a soul of his deceased friend. Worn out and chained, a wandered soul he has been since he died seven X'mas before. He came by to warn the old man the fate awaited him if he decided to stay the way he was. Saying that 3 spirits would visit him that X'mas Eve, that was when the journey began that later, showed him what he had missed, what he is missing, and what would he miss in years to come. The plot changes in sequence so you won't miss anything. But I personally think it is quite heavy for children. But still, entertaining. Well, it's a classic piece by Charles Dickens if you must know.

Cerita ni macam cerita drama keinsafan kita tiap kali musim raya. Cerita pasal anak derhaka, tak hormat raya, tak hormat bulan puasa and something like that. Kira ada pengajaran lah. Well, I don't do much review so this is not the best I could write about a movie. Maybe I should do this often so I could write better next time.


  1. Fatin,
    patut kite tgk 4d ah aritu. mesti best.
    tapi starting dia slow sikit lah. the rest..GOOD.
