Sunday, April 11, 2010

I've Got Me Some Issues.

As I twitted it, I completely forgot how it feels to be loved, loving someone, or even having crush on somebody since I last been in a relationship. In fact, my previous relationships couldn't be count as a RELATIONSHIP. As I was too lenient on it I actually didn't feel the way it supposed to be. And now I can see whenever I met that someone I set my eyes on, I tend to hold my back. Because I knew they wouldn't be interested. This has been going on for quite a time, honestly. And it ain't do me no good.

Somebody save me before I totally loose it.


  1. babe, u're a good person and deserve an equally good advice is; don't hold back. love comes to those who are not looking ;)

  2. saya chenta kamu..

    tapi bukan kucing kucing di bilik kamu.
